Start Your Go Creative! Week: Exercise 16 – 3 Problems


Why not make this week a creative one and try our task? 

A Problem Shared…

Go Creative! Exercise 16

Sometimes, life seems to be filled with problems. Whether great or small these are the trials and tribulations sent to test us.


Think of 3 problems you have right at this moment. Write each down as a heading on a blank piece of paper.


F-R-E-E-Write for 5 minutes about each problem being aware of how writing about the issue impacts you. Does your breathing change? Is your body tense? Does it make you uncomfortable?


Take a 5 minute break.


Revisit each problem and consider what advice you would give as a third party if a good friend was presenting this problem to you.


How does this impact your feeling towards the problem? Do you feel lighter? Can you take your own advice?


F-R-E-E-Write without time limit beginning:


“Problems are…”



Start Your Go Creative! Week: Exercise 15 – Make A Wish

Why not make this week a creative one and try our task? 

Your Wish Is My Command!


Take a blank piece of paper and write down everything you wish for. Get everything down on the page. All your wishes for yourself and your nearest and dearest. From the greatest to the smallest: ie. from being a millionaire and living in a hot country to reading more and having more sleep.


This week make one of these wishes come true. And you don’t need to stop there, if you feel inspired, take on as many as you wish!



Start Your Go Creative! Week. Exercise 14: Making “Sense”

 Why not make this week a creative one and try our task?

A Week of Senses

Go Creative! Exercise 14

There are five senses available to us; sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. We experience our lives automatically using all our senses in order to function and much is perhaps taken for granted.

F-R-E-E-Write for 5 minutes about each sense considering what each one means to you and imagining your life if it were suddenly taken away.

Complete the following in as many words as you like:

“The world makes sense to me when I…”

Taking inspiration from what you have written, go through your week being aware of all your senses and think of ways in which you can indulge each and every one.

Be creative…

…and enjoy yourself!

Start Your Go Creative! Week. Exercise 13: Go To The Movies

Why not make this week a creative one and try our task?

Movies anyone…

IMG_0333Movies are a great place to escape and unwind.  We get to see and experience things that are not a part of our every day.  We can learn a lot about other countries we may never have visited and take a look at people we would not ordinarily encounter in a number of imagined situations which may or may not mirror real life. Continue Reading →

Start Your Go Creative! Week. Exercise 12: Old Age

Why not make this week a creative one and try our task?

Meeting Old Age

IMG_0297Society has a lot of rules around “old age” and what it means. The term “old age pensioner” brings to mind a whole multitude of images around what it means to be old in this world. Continue Reading →

Start Your Go Creative! Week. Exercise 11: Carnival

Why not make this week a creative one and try our task?


Start Your Go Creative! Week

This weekend means Carnival if you are anywhere near Notting Hill, in London.

To give everyone a chance to get into a carnival humour the usual Monday post is being posted a few days earlier…

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Start Your Go Creative! Week. Exercise 10: Soul Food

Why not make this week a creative one and try our task?

Soul Food

Go Creative! Food

 Food glorious food!

The food we eat, and how and where we eat it is such a big part of the society in which we live.

Restaurants line our streets and when at home there are thousands of books written offering a multitude of recipes to bring our own cooked “meals” to life.

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Start Your Go Creative! Week. Exercise 9: Money Money Money

Why not make this week a creative one and try our task?

If I were a rich man…

IMG_0296Money! Money! Money!

This man-made energy is necessary to live in the modern world and is instrumental in ensuring we are nurtured ie. our fundamental needs, those of food, clothing and shelter, are met.

Apart from that, money is not important yet so often it is made responsible for a great many things in a person’s life; “if I had more money I would be happy” or “if I were rich I would be free”. Continue Reading →

Start Your Go Creative! Week. Exercise 8: Mindful Walking

Why not make this week a creative one and try our task?

Take a mindful walk

IMG_0290Walking is a great form of exercise. It gets the heart beating so that we breathe deeply and oxygenate our moving bodies.  Just 20 minutes of walking can alleviate stress and quiet an agitated mind.

And mindful walking can deepen that experience

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Start Your Go Creative! Week. Exercise 7: Watching Worry

Why not make this week a creative one and try our task?

Why worry…


Worry is a waste of energy and just creates more of itself.

It uses up vital energy that we could be using to do other things and can often be the only thing separating us from our present where everything lives, including us. Continue Reading →