Start Your Go Creative! Week. Exercise 5: Creating You

Why not make this week a creative one and try our task? Who would you be if you could be anyone?


We are continuously affecting each other’s lives whether or not we are aware of this fact. What might feel like an insignificant moment to you; a smile that passes between you and a stranger, allowing someone to pass by before you, taking the time to listen to someone who simply wants to connect, may have a profound effect on the recipient.

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The Road To The Windmill by Kira Kenley

24 Kira Kenley shares her creative dilemmas and decisions every Friday. You can read her earlier posts here

CC Windmill poster

It is happening in less than two weeks. I will get the opportunity to perform the album from beginning to end and it is like a dream. I am ever thankful.

Over the past few years, I have struggled to keep a band going as I am a solo artist and have found myself unable to fund a band. Yes, there is an option to have a band and not pay them but for me this is not an option. And why? Am I cutting off my nose to spite my face? Continue Reading →

John Cleese’s Creative Intelligence



John Cleese

We all operate in two contrasting modes, which might be called open and closed.

The open mode is more relaxed, more receptive, more exploratory, more democratic, more playful and more humorous. The closed mode is the tighter, more rigid, more hierarchical, more tunnel-visioned.

‘Most people, unfortunately, spend most of their time in closed mode.

‘Not that the closed mode cannot be helpful. If you are leaping a ravine, the moment of takeoff is a bad time for considering alternative strategies. When you charge the enemy machine-gun post, don’t waste energy trying to see the funny side of it. Do it in the “closed” mode.

‘But the moment the action is over, try to return to the “open” mode — to open your mind again to all the feedback from our action that enables us to tell whether the action has been successful, or whether further action is needed to improve on what we have done.

‘In other words we must return to the open mode, because in that mode we are the most aware, most receptive, most creative, and therefore at our most intelligent.’


Start Your Go Creative! Week. Exercise Four: Finding The Younger You

Why not make this week a creative one and try our task? Just take a blank piece of paper… 

Creative Living

When we are children instinctively we know how to enjoy life and this connects us to who we are and what it means to be alive. Watch any child and you will see how easily they move through the moments oblivious to the struggles we the adults around them perceive in most everything.

Children have wisdom and understanding which is often extraordinarily simple in its execution. They move freely because they are free in their outlook.

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The Gift of Sound by Kira Kenley

23 Kira Kenley shares her creative dilemmas and decisions every Friday. You can read her earlier posts here

My sound is my own. There is nothing else quite like it in this world because, despite the existence of billions of people on this planet, my instrument is unique. This fact totally blows my mind when I really think about it.


And if I really ponder this thing called sound…

What is it exactly? Continue Reading →

The Gigging Drill by Kira Kenley

22 Kira Kenley shares her creative dilemmas and decisions every Friday. You can read her earlier posts here

Creative Living

I love the gigging world. It is a place where anything can and very often does happen. There is no room for complacency, for the minute I get complacent the gigging lords come and kick me in my performing crystal balls.

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Light And Shade by Kira Kenley

21 Kira Kenley shares her creative dilemmas and decisions every Friday. You can read her earlier posts here

 Light and Shade

Recently, everywhere I look I see light and shade. I live in a world of contrast and that which brings me to the page each day is a mixture of the two. There are occurrences that bring me great joy and put me in a state of complete elation where it feels like the universe is conspiring to bring me happiness. But then there are events that cast shadows over that happiness and can make me feel that my world is a very unfair place. Continue Reading →

Panic by Kira Kenley

20 Kira Kenley shares her creative dilemmas and decisions every Friday. You can read her earlier posts here

There May Be Trouble Ahead

Only 6 days left and still 64% of the cash to raise on Crowdfunder and although I am trying not to panic the adrenaline is pumping fast. I have booked the musicians, promised payment and the night is all set to go. But what if the funds don’t arrive and the project fails?

The problem grows and sprouts wings and I am in the thick of my insecurity. An observation from the world of thought tells me how stuck I am on the audience front and begins to question what I am doing and whether there is an audience out there for the music I make. My funds are running out and I wonder whether I should stop and walk down an easier path, one where the next step doesn’t seem to be at such an impossible height.

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Love Love Love by Kira Kenley

19 Kira Kenley shares her creative dilemmas and decisions every Friday. You can read her earlier posts here

Musical Cakes

When I began following my ‘creative’ heart at whatever cost, I had no idea about what was in store for me. All I knew back then was that my life as it was could not continue. What was the point of an existence where I spent my days doing something, which made me feel detached.

I took a chance and made an internal deal, I would live my life doing things that fed me creatively. I would ride the creative wave every moment of every day doing the things I love to do. I would have faith that if I just did what filled my heart with joy and put all my energy into that, then the ‘problems’ standing in my way, the noise that separates, would fall away and I would be left with a full life. Connected.

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Thank Heavens For Crowdfunder by Kira Kenley

18 Kira Kenley shares her creative dilemmas and decisions every Friday. You can read her earlier posts here

Thanks Heavens for Crowdfunder

Creative Enterprise

The project is accepted and goes live. I am delighted beyond belief. This is such a great way for artists to generate the funds necessary to bring their creative dreams to life. For many years, I have been stopped financially or at least slowed but now I can generate the cash to create in an entrepreneurial way.

I am beginning to understand that if I want to survive as an indie artist, I need to adopt a business approach and look at each creative work as an enterprise. All those years working as an accountant and it takes the creative world to get me thinking like an entrepreneur. Indeed, the irony is not lost upon me!

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