You gotta have rhythm
“Millionaires don’t use astrologers but billionaires do”
One of the worst things we can do as a writer is write when we’re not in the groove.
If you feel you have to write or you have an unnatural deadline, you can all to easily easily end up generating sub-standard material.
Writing this blog for example is something I have been meaning to do since the beginning of the year. I got up this morning and it popped into my mind to write it and within less than 15 minutes, it popped out fully formed. Note that it no accident it is a Full Moon at the time of writing book reports online.
I’ve written on this subject many times too and we could be lazy and take old material and edit it in order to save time. This is all fresh and ‘off the top of my head’. It just felt right.
When I look back over the last six or so years – and I have six books published now – apart from one, I wrote them all in Spring. It just felt like the right time – or is that the Write Time? So for this year, I am thinking about this year’s major opus, and have put together a rough chapter outline, but I won’t start writing it in earnest until Spring. Specifically, I will wait for the Spring Equinox to pass until I ‘spring forward’ once again.